Store Opening Hours - Back To Normal 26th May 2020

Store Opening Hours - Back To Normal

As of Tuesday 26th May we will be returning to our normal Store Opening Hours.

For the health and safety of our customers and colleagues our protective measures will remain in place, and we politely ask for customers to continue to shop responsibly and adhere to social distancing rules.

Our Store Opening Hours are as follows:


 Monday - Saturday 7am - 9pm                  Sunday 10am - 4pm

 Kiosk open Monday - Saturday from 7am and Sunday from 9am


 Home, Garden & Leisure - Upstairs at Proudfoot Newby 

 Monday - Saturday 8am - 8pm                  Sunday 10am - 4pm


 Monday - Saturday 7am - 9pm                 Sunday 10am - 4pm

 Kiosk open Monday - Saturday from 7am and Sunday from 8am 



 Monday - Saturday 8.30am - 9pm           Sunday 8am - 9pm


 Manham Hill

 Monday - Sunday 7am - 10pm


Priority Shopping Hours 

Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 8am - 9am we will be prioritising the elderly, vulnerable and their carers.

Updated from Tuesday 26th May until further notice. 

Thank you for your understanding and ongoing support.

Due to the nature of shift patterns we'll also prioritise NHS workers throughout the day - everyday.